Презентация My Summer Holidays

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  1. My Summer Holidays Презентация 6 Класс
  2. Презентация My Summer Holidays 2016
  3. Презентация My Summer Holidays 2018

Материал частично на украинском языке. Організація класу. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Good morning! 1) Початковий етап. Привітання та повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Тема: My Summer Holidays. Цели урока: • развитие умения читать с извлечением основной информации; • развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации; • формировать прочные знания лексического и грамматического материала по теме. Объявление темы и цели урока, мотивация. Teacher: Holidays are always great. During holidays young people have free time to do what they want and just relax. Summer is the best season for it. Today we are going to read the text about different ways of holiday-making and discuss it. Фонетическая зарядка. When summer comes I want to be Sunburnt, lazy, and really free The sun shines brightly, and lovely sea My friends, where are you? Let’s join me! Презентация: Summer holidays. Слайды: Информация. Язык презентации: английский. Форматы файла презентации: PPT, PPTX, PDF. Скачали: 25 раз (Последний раз: 05 Октября 2017 г., в 09:34). Общий размер всех файлов презентации: 1.8 Мб.  Олимпиады и конкурсы: Скачать.

Good morning pupils! Нокиа 225. Nice to see you again at our English Lesson. The topic of our lesson is Summer holidays. Today we are going to speak, read, write, and play games. But first of all I want you do one think. On your desks you have pictures with 4 faces.

They are OK, Good, So - so and Bad. I hope that you are in a good mood today.

But you can evaluate your mood yourself. Choose and show a Face according to your mood, please. Well, children I see most of you have a good mood and you are ready to work. 2) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. All the people enjoy summer holidays very much. People like to travel during their summer holidays.

Some people go abroad to see new countries, some people prefer to go to the country - side to enjoy country - life far from noise of big cities. T: Let’s play a Game “Summer Holiday Associations” Look at the board. You see the words and word - combinations on the topic ”Summer Holidays” Put them into the word net. Well, where can you go during your summer holidays? Ps:( abroad, to the country, to the camp, to grandparents') 2. When can you go on holiday? Ps:( in June, from.

To., in July, at the end of June) 3. What can you do during your summer holidays? Ps (to go sightseeing, to go to the seaside, to sunbathe, to rest, to make new friends, to work in the g What arden, to have a lot of fun, to visit) 4. And your impressions!

Ps: (exciting, fantastic, great, beautiful) T. We begin with phonetic drills. Let’s revise sounds. Основна частина уроку 1. Опрацювання слів та словосполучень.

We begin the main part of our lesson. Let’s look at the presentation and translate words combination intoUkrainian. To swim in the river - To go to the camp - To be at the seaside - To make new friends - To lie in the sun - To gather mushrooms and berries - To play computer games - To read interesting books - To eat fruit and vegetables - To go to the village - To drink fresh milk - To have a rest during three month T. Translate word - combinations into English and test yourself.

Збирати гриби і ягоди Їсти фрукти і овочі Подорожувати в інші країни Читати книги, дивитися телевізор, грати в комп'ютерні ігри Допомагати батькам по дому Відпочивати в перебігу трьох місяців Їздити на море, річку або озеро Їздити в табір Complete the sentences 1. Schoolchildren have their summer holidays in. ( June, July and August) 2.

They have a rest. (during three months) 3.

Children can go to the sea and. (swim and lie in the sun) 4. Children can go to the village and. (drink fresh milk) 5. Children can go to the forest and. (gather mushrooms and berries) 6.

When the weather is fine, they can. (play in the yard) 7. When the weather is bad they can. (read the book, play computer games and watch TV) Match the pictures and the sentences Schoolchildren have their holidays in June, July and August. Summer holidays are excellent and great fun, because the weather is usually fine and sunny. It is seldom rainy and windy. The sun usually shines brightly.

It is warm, even hot! When the weather is shiny, children can be outdoors all day long. They can go to the seaside or to the mountains. They can spend time with their friends in the forest, in the park or at the river or lake.

Boys and girls can go swimming or boating, play football, tennis or badminton. They can also ride a bike or a scooter. If the weather is rainy and nasty, they can stay at home and read books, watch TV, do pokerwork or needlework, play the piano or make models of ships, kites or planes. The boys enjoy listening to music, roller - skating and skate - boarding. The girls enjoy playing musical instruments and drawing pictures. Весь материал – смотрите документ. SUMMER HOLIDAYS.

Організація класу. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Good morning! 1) Початковий етап.Привітання та повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Good morning pupils!

Nice to see you again at our English Lesson. The topic of our lesson is Summer holidays. Today we are going to speak, read, write, and play games. But first of all I want you do one think. On your desks you have pictures with 4 faces. They are OK, Good, So-so and Bad.

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I hope that you are in a good mood today. But you can evaluate your mood yourself. Choose and show a Face according to your mood, please. Well, children I see most of you have a good mood and you are ready to work. 2) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

All the people enjoy summer holidays very much. People like to travel during their summer holidays.


Some people go abroad to see new countries, some people prefer to go to the country-side to enjoy country-life far from noise of big cities. T: Let’s play a Game “Summer Holiday Associations” Look at the board. You see the words and word-combinations on the topic ” Summer Holidays” Put them into the word net. Well, where can you go during your summer holidays?

Ps:( abroad, to the country, to the camp, to grandparents') 2. When can you go on holiday? Ps:( in June, from. To., in July, at the end of June) 3. What can you do during your summer holidays? Ps (to go sightseeing, to go to the seaside, to sunbathe, to rest, to make new friends, to work in the g What arden, to have a lot of fun, to visit) 4.

And your impressions! Ps: (exciting, fantastic, great, beautiful) T. We begin with phonetic drills. Let’s revise sounds. Основна частина уроку 1.

Опрацювання слів та словосполучень. We begin the main part of our lesson. Let’s look at the presentation and translate words combination intoUkrainian. To swim in the river -To go to the camp - To be at the seaside - To make new friends - To lie in the sun - To gather mushrooms and berries - To play computer games - To read interesting books - To eat fruit and vegetables - To go to the village - To drink fresh milk - To have a rest during three month T. Translate word- combinations into English and test yourself. Збирати гриби і ягоди Їсти фрукти і овочі Подорожувати в інші країни Читати книги, дивитися телевізор, грати в комп'ютерні ігри Допомагати батькам по дому Відпочивати в перебігу трьох місяців Їздити на море, річку або озеро Їздити в табір Complete the sentences 1.

Schoolchildren have their summer holidays in. ( June, July and August) 2. They have a rest. (during three months) 3.

Children can go to the sea and. (swim and lie in the sun) 4. Children can go to the village and. (drink fresh milk) 5. Children can go to the forest and.

(gather mushrooms and berries) 6. When the weather is fine, they can. (play in the yard) 7. When the weather is bad they can. (read the book, play computer games and watch TV) Match the pictures and the sentences. Schoolchildren have their holidays in June, July and August.

Summer holidays are excellent and great fun, because the weather is usually fine and sunny. It is seldom rainy and windy. The sun usually shines brightly.

It is warm, even hot! When the weather is shiny, children can be outdoors all day long. They can go to the seaside or to the mountains. They can spend time with their friends in the forest, in the park or at the river or lake.

Boys and girls can go swimming or boating, play football, tennis or badminton. They can also ride a bike or a scooter. If the weather is rainy and nasty, they can stay at home and read books, watch TV, do pokerwork or needlework, play the piano or make models of ships, kites or planes. The boys enjoy listening to music, roller-skating and skate-boarding.

The girls enjoy playing musical instruments and drawing pictures. Answer the questions 1).What are summer months? Why do children like summer very much? 3).Where can you go in summer?

4).What can you do at the sea, river, pond? 5).What can you do in the forest? 6).Do you like to go to the camp? 7).What do we do there? 8).Do you have relatives in the village?

9).Do you like to go to the village? Мовлення Andriy, Where did you spend your summer holidays? At the camp - Last summer I spent my holidays in the camp. Each day was full of small joys. We swam in the sea, lay in the sun, played different games and had a wonderful time. In the evening I liked to sit on the beach watched the rise and the fall of the waves and enjoying the sunset. I liked to sit around the camp fire telling anecdotes, funny stories and singing to a guitar.

I lived there for about a month and did not even notice when the time came for us to return home. The time flew very quickly. I made new friends. It was a wonderful rest.

My summer in the camp was really cool! Look at the computer, please.

We have the film about this beautiful place in our country фільм про Крим Holidays in Yalta I spent my summer holidays in Yalta. Once day my parents and me were sitting in the living room discussing our plans for the summer holidays. My father suggested that we should go to the Crimea. I jumped up with joy and said it was a wonderful idea. My mother wasn’t against the idea either. I’d like to tell you about it.

Yalta is one of the most popular places in the Crimea. It is in the south of Ukraine, near the Black Sea. Yalta has a busy town centre and the streets are often crowded. There are many historic buildings, and there are lots of interesting shops and wonderful museums there.

There are also traditional shops that sell beautiful Ukrainian arts. Probably, the best thing about Yalta is friendly local people. You can get acquainted with them and make good friends.

My Summer Holidays Презентация 6 Класс

In Yalta you can have a nice rest and explore the history of Ukraine. If you go there once, you will love it for all your life. All in all, it’s a great place to visit. Читання My summer holidays I like summer holidays very much. I spent much time outdoor. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.

In July my parents return to their work and I go to a camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp.

There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning. August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. They have a big old house and I come to see and help them.

We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming. I have a nice time in the country. I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic. I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much. Завдання до тексту Find these sentences in the text. 1) Мені подобається проводити час в селі.

2) Вони мають великий, старий дім і я приїжджаю навістити і допомогти їм. 3) Табір знаходиться неподалік від мого дома. 4) У липні мої батьки повертаються на роботу, а я їду в табір. 5) Я дуже люблю літні канікули.

6) Я люблю купатися в Чорному морі і загорять. 7) У серпні я їду в село до моєї бабусі та дідуся. 8) Неподалік від табору є ліс, куди ми ходимо на пікнік в ранці. 9)Я повертаюсь додому на при кінці серпня, зустрічаю своїх друзів і ми організуємо пікнік.

10) Я люблю літо і насолоджуюсь літніми канікулами. Thank you very much children! You have done excellent job!

What is your dream? Where would you like to go? Pupil: I would like to go to. Auding На Дошці записані слова англійською, діти читають і перекладають на українську ( Vacation, Vietnam, south, north, beach, ocean, people, farmer, rice fields, guide, trip, expensive, to pay, to meet, thousand, hundred dollars, to eat, local food.) T.

Now children, listen the dialogue please using these words. ( Діти дивляться і слухають відео-діалог) T. Prepare you cards, please.

If you are agree with my sentence show me plus-card, if you are disagree with me show the minus-card. Last vacation was in Vietnam. (+). She Was in Vietnam for five weeks. (-).

In the South they can go to the beach and swim in the river. (+). In the South was very hot, in the north was very cold. (+).

She didn’t meet different people, many children and farmers. (-).

The farmers worked in the garden. (-). They have a guide. (+). The trip was very expensive for them. (-). They paid about one thousand five hundred dollars.

Книга: Прописи по математике. Рабочая тетрадь для дошкольников 6-7 лет. Автор: Константин. Скачать: Прописи по математике. Рабочая тетрадь для дошкольников 6-7 лет. Рабочая тетрадь по математике для детей 6-7 лет скачать.

(+) 10)The local food was very delicious. Творче завдання Daisy “I like summer holidays” T.

What flower is it? ( Вчитель показує картку з зображенням ромашки) P.

It’s a flower. This is a Daisy. Daisy is the summer flower. Let’s make a daisy together.

In the centre of the flower you can see the beginning the sentence “I like summer holidays because”Complete the sentence please. Put the words in the correct order. You have three minutes. (Діти дописують речення на пелюстках квітки та чіпляють на магнітну дошку). I have a rest during three month.

I can go to the river or sea. I read the books and TV.

I can help my parents. I go to my granny and drink fresh milk. I eat fruit vegetables and fruit. I travel to other countries. I go to the camp 6) Project Work.”Holiday Passport” (Додаток №6) T. You have read the message too late. But anyway you have another task to work on your “Holiday Passport».

Maybe we’ll catch luck travelling somewhere with our Passports. (Some children are working on” Holiday Passport”, some children are doing practice on computers. Заключна частина. Заключна частина уроку T. Let’s write down your home task.

At the next lesson you’ll write the composition “I like my summer holidays”. I think this lesson is useful for you. Thank you for your good work today.

Your marks are That’s all for today.

Напоминаем, что в соответствии с профстандартом педагога (утверждён Приказом Минтруда России), если у Вас нет соответствующего преподаваемому предмету образования, то Вам необходимо пройти профессиональную переподготовку по профилю педагогической деятельности. Сделать это Вы можете дистанционно на сайте проекта 'Инфоурок' и получить диплом с присвоением квалификации уже через 2 месяца! Только сейчас действует СКИДКА 50% для всех педагогов на все 111 курсов профессиональной переподготовки! Доступна рассрочка с первым взносом всего 10%, при этом цена курса не увеличивается из-за использования рассрочки! Описание слайда: Dialogue 1 Kelly: Meg, why do you like summer holidays? Meg: I like summer holidays because I can go to the seaside with my parents.

What do you usually do at the seaside? Meg: I like to sunbathe in the sun, swim and dive in the sea.

Kelly: How do you get there? Meg: We always go to the seaside by car.

Келли: Мэг, почему тебе нравятся летние каникулы? Мэг: Мне нравятся летние каникулы потому, что я могу поехать на морское побережье со своими родителями. Келли: Чем ты обычно там занимаешься? Мэг: Я люблю загорать на солнце, купаться и нырять в море. Келли: На чем вы добираетесь туда? Мэг: Мы всегда едем туда на машине. Описание слайда: Dialogue 2 Ted: Mike, where do you like to spend summer holidays?

Mike: I like to spend my summer holidays in the country. Ted: Do you go there with your friends? Mike: No, I don't. I go there with my parents. Ted: How do you spend your time there? Mike: We sleep in a tent, go fishing early in the morning and play different games all day long.

Тед: Майк, где тебе нравится проводить летние каникулы? Майк: Мне нравится проводить летние каникулы за городом.

Тед: Ты ездишь туда со своими друзьями? Майк: Нет, я езжу туда со своими родителями. Тед: Как ты проводишь там время? Майк: Мы спим в палатке, ходим на рыбалку рано утром и целый день играем в разные игры.

Презентация My Summer Holidays 2016

Описание слайда: Answer the questions Why do you like summer holidays? What do you usually do at the seaside (in the country)? Do you go there with your family? How do you spend your time there? How do get there? Complete the sentences.

Презентация My Summer Holidays 2018

I like to spend my summer holidays I like summer holidays because I can go to with my I like to sunbathe in the , swim and dive in the We always go to the seaside We always go to the country. Описание слайда: Put the sentences in the correct order to make the conversation Kelly: How do get there? Meg: I like to swim in the sea and go fishing. Meg: We always go to the seaside by train. Kelly: Meg, why do you like summer holidays?

Meg: I like summer holidays because I can go to the seaside with my brother. Kelly: What do you usually do at the seaside? Make up your own sentences I go fishing in summer We go to the seaside in the sea I like to swim in the sun I spend my holidays by car I like to sunbathe in the country. Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам.

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